Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Dear Readers...not that I have any...yet,

Today I introduce myself. Tomorrow I hope you return. But that all depends upon my ability to at best inspire you and at worst at least entertain you. So let's get hopping shall we?

As I said, introductions are in order. I'm a graduated student fresh out of college from the lovely upper Midwest. I've had a lot of fun working the past few years as a housekeeper cleaning apartments at a local assisted living facility working for lots of Grandpa's and Grandma's who, since I've started, have come to refer to me as 'The Cleaning Lady'...hence my screen name. Also, I've spent the past five years studying history and loved every minute of it...well not every minute.... the classes were awesome. The homework...not so much. What I do love is kid's stuff. I love kid's games, kid's cartoons, kid's books....all those things that entertained us when we were young still entertain me today. That's why I intend to look back upon those things I enjoyed during my childhood. Admittedly there are some things as an adult I can't believe I was even exposed to as a kid. The same goes for the kids of today. That's why I hope to use my college trained mind and this here blog to see what from childhood is worth enjoying and those things that were....not so much...

Hopefully you'll take this journey with me as I delve into the world of kid's books, movies, toys, games, trials and triumphs to re-live those strange and wonderful days we call...childhood.

Blessings to you all....or rather those who are to come,

Next Weeks Review: Introductions review - Webbigail

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